If one had to aces Warren Buffett's distinct greatest advance of all time, there are several candidates: Coca-Cola (NYSE:KO)? The Washington Post? Wells Fargo (NYSE:WFC)? Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)?

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All of these adeptness investments accept paid huge assets for Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRK-A) (NYSE:BRK-B) over the years. However, out of all his top picks, Buffett's bright No. 1 advance is GEICO. "My admired investment, one that embodies this philosophy, is GEICO, which I abstruse about aback I was 20 years old," Buffett already told Forbes.

GEICO, which stands for the Government Advisers Allowance Company, is now a wholly endemic business of Berkshire Hathaway. But it wasn't consistently that way. In fact, Buffett's history with GEICO goes all the way aback to the 1950s, aback Buffett was still a business academy apprentice at Columbia beneath his assistant and approaching employer, Benjamin Graham.

In 1951, Buffett went bottomward to GEICO's offices on a Saturday, area the attendant let him in. The alone added actuality alive that day was Lorimer "Davy" Davidson, who would after become the CEO. Davidson agreed to accommodated with Buffett and abundantly explained both the allowance industry and GEICO's appropriate aggressive advantages. GEICO was set up in a different way for an allowance company, bypassing acceptable agents to advertise behavior anon to consumers. In addition, GEICO targeted alone high-quality drivers such as government bureaucrats and professors. By selecting its bazaar articulation and not accepting to pay agents' commissions, GEICO was able to action car allowance at a huge abatement to added insurers while still earning a above accumulation margin.

Enthralled, Buffett after put bisected his net account into GEICO's stock. Buffett would accomplish a quick 50% acknowledgment in aloof over a year, afore affairs his GEICO pale to put the profits into a cheaper stock. That would prove to be a mistake, as the bulk of GEICO's banal rose about addition 100 times over the abutting 20 years. That "taught me a assignment about the absurdity of affairs a pale in an identifiably admirable company," Buffett said in his 1995 letter to shareholders.

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However, 25 years later, Buffett got addition adventitious to buy GEICO, this time accepting GEICO's banal for his captivation company, Berkshire Hathaway. That acquirement would set the date for his greatest advance bonanza of all.

GEICO is Buffett's greatest investment. Image source: Getty Images.

In a beauteous about-face of contest for such a competitively advantaged company, GEICO about went broke in 1976. By then, Davidson had retired, and the new admiral active the aggregation started to awfully belittle GEICO's claims losses consistent from inflation. They again approved to fix the botheration by growing out of it, adequate the company's premium-to-surplus ratio, or the bulk of premiums in affiliation to equity, and growing out of its alcove of high-quality drivers. That alone anguish up authoritative things worse.

Losses anon grew, and by 1976, GEICO was on the bend of bankruptcy. By then, Buffett was on the lath of directors, accepting taken over from Jerry Newman, accomplice in the Graham-Newman partnership, which had been a ample broker in the company.

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Buffett again helped recruit Jack Byrne, a awful admired allowance executive, as CEO to appear and fix the mess. With a acceptance in Byrne's abilities and GEICO's capital aggressive advantages still actuality intact, Buffett pounced on GEICO's afflicted allotment price, affairs $4.1 actor in GEICO accepted shares and addition $19.4 actor in convertible adopted stock.

Once installed, Byrne took emergency measures, battlefront over bisected the company's employees, departure barren markets, and adopting exceptional prices. These accomplishments worked, abating GEICO's advantage in the actual abutting year, and Buffett's advance was off to the races. By the end of 1977, Buffett's accepted banal had added 150% and alike the bulk of the adopted banal had about doubled. Buffett added alike added to his GEICO backing over the abutting four years, and by 1980, he had invested $45.7 actor in total, acceptable for about 33.3% of the company.

With GEICO adequate to its above celebrity and its bargain advantage intact, GEICO connected both abound and buy aback banal throughout the 1980s, which added Berkshire's buying pale to 50% of the company, after a charge for Buffett to buy any added banal himself. At the end of 1995, Berkshire bought out the actual 49% that it didn't already own for $2.3 billion.

That meant Berkshire's antecedent $45.7 actor pale had developed to be account a beauteous $2.393 billion at the end of 1995, aloof afore the accord bankrupt -- acceptable for a antic 5,136% accretion in aloof 15 years. That's over a 30% annualized acknowledgment starting from 1980, aback Buffett accomplished his abounding stake. From 1976 on, the acknowledgment was alike higher.

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Of course, aloof because Berkshire bought out GEICO in aboriginal 1996 doesn't beggarly Buffett was done benefiting from the company. Bold GEICO would be admired at the aforementioned appraisal ratios as Buffett's $4.7 billion buyout price,  it would agree to about 15.2 times pre-tax balance of $308.2 million, and a price-to-sales arrangement of 1.54.  Based on GEICO's 2018 abstracts of $33.63 billion in acquirement and $2.449 billion in pre-tax income, GEICO today would be account anywhere amid $37.2 billion and $51.7 billion.

Taking the boilerplate and bold a $44 billion appraisal for GEICO today would beggarly the bulk of Buffet's pale has added about 10 times over the accomplished 22 years, aloof since Berkshire took ascendancy of the accomplished aggregation in 1996. Considering Buffett paid aloof $2.35 billion all in for the accomplished aggregation would beggarly Buffett has fabricated a whopping $41.6 billion in accumulation on GEICO, and this is afore counting any assets accustomed amid 1976 and 1995. And if you alone calculation that aboriginal $45.7 billion advance Buffett had paid by 1980, he fabricated a accumulation of about $22 billion, for a jaw-dropping absolute acknowledgment of 48,000%.  And if one goes aback to the antecedent $23.5 actor advance in 1976, the acknowledgment on those antecedent dollars is alike greater.

But alike all of that that underrates GEICO's banking allowances to Berkshire, as GEICO additionally provides Berkshire with billions of allowance float every year. For Berkshire, the float from its all-inclusive allowance operations acts as a anatomy of costless allowance accommodation that Buffett and his aggregation of investors can again reinvest. Considering the 20%-plus allotment Buffett has generated over the activity of Berkshire, GEICO's anniversary "float" is of cogent added value, alike above its underwriting earnings.

When one looks at both the amazing banking allotment and added allowance float generated, it's no contest: GEICO will consistently be Buffett's aboriginal advance love, and it will consistently be his best assisting advance of all time.

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