Three centuries ago, my affectionate ancestors – farmers from England, Scotland, and Ireland – sailed up the Chesapeake Bay and acclimatized in Cecil County, Maryland. I am the 10th bearing built-in and aloft in that abutting of the bay.

My antecedents – the Crothers, Ewings, Rutters, and Wingates – are all able-bodied accurate in the actual annal of Cecil County. Among those annal are a few atramentous eyes. Farmers south of the Mason-Dixon Band frequently had slaves. The 1820 U.S. Federal Census shows that my fourth abundant grandfather, Edward Wingate, endemic four disciplinarian on his farm: three males and one female, all beneath age 44, the youngest macho beneath 14. By the 1860 Census, Edward’s son, Joseph, my third abundant grandfather, had one slave, a changeable age 39. Again came the Civil War.
Fieldwork on the birthmark acreage breadth I grew up was done by me and my siblings. That farm, breadth my parents still live, has been affairs pick-your-own bake-apple for 42 years.
Cecil County, Maryland
Ruth Ann Ewing Johnson, Betsy's mom
According to George Johnston’s History of Cecil County, appear in 1881, Rising Sun started as a date drillmaster stop and alehouse about 1710. The alehouse had a accepted assurance depicting the sun at aurora and the words “The Rising Sun.” It was a acceptable stop for drovers bringing livestock to burghal markets. At the rear of the alehouse was all-encompassing acreage for pasturing the animals while the cadre enjoyed the accommodation of the “The Rising Sun.”
Rising Sun had one stoplight aback I was in aerial school. It now has two. The grocery abundance (used to be Acme, now Martins) confused to the outskirts of town. The celebrated Rising Sun National Coffer that sat in the centermost of boondocks for 134 years bootless four years ago (more on that later). At Sue’s restaurant on Main Street, the bigger agent is hamburger steak. A accepted new coffee boutique above from Sue’s, Rise 'N Grind, opened this year. There are still augment houses at the bend of boondocks with bags of bleared compost.
Perhaps the bigger bang for Rising Sun started during Apple War II, aback adjacent Bainbridge Naval Training Centermost brought servicemen into town. Ammunition plants started up in the area, and factories bused up families from the Appalachian areas of Arctic Carolina and Virginia to assignment in the plants. Bainbridge was deactivated in 1976.
My mother, Ruth Ann Ewing Johnson, 80, grew up on Walnut Artery in Rising Sun and remembers the freedom. “On summer evenings, I would leave afterwards supper and go appointment my accompany about boondocks and get home afterwards dark,” says Mom. “My parents knew I was apparently over at Sally’s or Marie’s, but they didn’t anticipate annihilation about it. We acquainted secure.” Her ancestor endemic a car dealership in boondocks (shown below), was a administrator of the Rising Sun National Bank, admiral of the Lion’s Club, and a Mason.
Harvey Wilson Ewing, Ruth Ann's father
Mom and Dad (Phil Johnson, 80) both accelerating from Rising Sun Aerial Academy in 1956. She aboriginal noticed Dad as he slept continuing up, aptitude adjoin a post, during a academy dance. He had been baling hay all day. They affiliated in 1960 and confused to a acreage 8 afar alfresco of town, but she, like her ancestors, has never larboard Cecil County.
Bob Shallcross, 81, and his father, Herb, afore him, was the boner in town. H. E. Shallcross & Son started in 1943 as “Dealers in Quality Pork Products.”
Fall and winter were the busiest for the business. “On Monday mornings, we would cut 35 to 50 hogs for our use to accomplish branded products, and again we would alpha on the custom hogs,” says Shallcross. “I formed at the table abutting to Dad, accept to shoulder; I cut the butts and shoulders, and he cut the hams.” Once the pigs were done, they started on custom beef.
The arch Shallcross branded artefact was scrapple, a pork breakfast meat that is awash in the mid-Atlantic region, but not abundant beyond. Shallcross fabricated scrapple for the Bob Evans cast for abounding years.
The hogs at Shallcross were never skinned. “You charge the banknote for gelatin to authority the scrapple together,” explains Shallcross. Scrapple is mainly fabricated of fat back, skins, liver, and jowls. “We never acclimated snouts, although some companies did.” There were two cast-iron scrapple kettles and a ample apprehension pot for the lard. A apparatus would columnist all the drip out of cracklings and accomplish a wheel. “People would buy auto of cracklings,” says Shallcross. “All the bakeries acclimated lard. It tasted so abundant better.”
Shallcross was one of the bigger clandestine administration in Rising Sun in the 1940s and 1950s, with 10 to 25 employees, depending on the time of year. The bigger employer was a bed-making branch that fabricated Blue Top jeans. “I would buy a brace of those dungarees, cycle them up, and airing bottomward the street, my legs arise calm because they were so stiff,” says Shallcross. Addition big employer was a candied blah cannery. There were bristles auto dealerships in town.
Shallcross’s arch employee, Tack Boddy, one of the few blacks in Rising Sun, was a actor aback the award-winning fighter ambit came through boondocks (illegally, of course). Bodies would dig a arroyo on the bend of boondocks and bet on the fights. “At the end, Tack would consistently ascend out of the arroyo and the award-winning fighter would be agitated out,” says Shallcross. “His administrator would annoyance him out to go to the abutting town.”
When Shallcross retired in 1997, the pork business bankrupt and the architecture has been acclimated aback again as a tanning and attach salon and to advertise bounded blue crabs, carpet, and assorted added things.
Jim Crothers, one of my cousins, grew up in Rising Sun in the 1950s and says it was an arcadian baby town. “There was a audible boondocks and again there was agriculture. We had a cornfield in our backyard. We appealing abundant wandered about town, and everybody knew everybody else.”
When Crothers was in elementary school, the chic was breach amid kids whose parents formed at Bainbridge, those who came up from Appalachia (“hillbillies”) to assignment in factories, and abiding families like the Crothers.
In the 1950s, Friday night was the bigger night in boondocks because banks were not accessible on Saturday, says Crothers. Bodies got paid, came in to go to the coffer and get cash, go to the grocery store, and again go to the movies. The Lion’s Club set up a alarm angle in boondocks on Friday nights because the breadth was so busy.
Crothers served in Vietnam with the Army afterwards academy and again confused aback to Rising Sun in 1970 to assignment with his ancestor in the ancestors allowance business. You can acquaint a lot about a association by the allowance awash there.
“When I bought Dad’s business in 1973, bisected of it was farm-related,” he says. “They were either farms or bodies who did business with farmers, mainly dairies. By the backward 1970s, developers had bought abounding farms for apartment development. Abounding farmers absitively to banknote in, and those larboard catholic into Pennsylvania to get cheaper acreage genitalia and supplies. The alteration from a absolute ag abject in Rising Sun started in the 1970s.”
Now, abounding businesses on Main Artery accept closed. There are some “cute little towns” in Cecil Canton that accept gentrified themselves and admiring tourists, like Arctic East with its bay beach and aged stores, “but that’s not activity to appear in Rising Sun,” says Crothers. “Between 1970 and 1999, aback I retired, it afflicted from a business centermost into a bedchamber association for Newark, Delaware, Harford Canton to the south, and alike Baltimore.”
Judith Donnelley’s ancestor was the postmaster in Rising Sun during the 1970s. Her mother, 97, still lives in the family’s home on Wilson Avenue. “I don’t feel like the boondocks has the aforementioned atmosphere or feel today,” says Donnelley, who accelerating from aerial academy in 1979 and accomplished elementary academy in the county. “Things aren’t kept up as well, and some bodies don’t accept the account for the boondocks that was there in the 1960s and ‘70s.”
Donnelley remembers advisedly active up and bottomward the sidewalks of Wilson Avenue, which advance to the elementary school, article she would never let her accouchement do today. “We would accommodated in someone’s backyard and booty off to the brook or airing flush and go into Ashby’s to the soda fountain.”
She additionally remembers a sad affiliate in Rising Sun’s history. In the 1960s and ‘70s, the boondocks was accepted as the KKK address of Maryland. A arresting acreage ancestors northeast of boondocks captivated common cantankerous burnings and rallies, and the KKK paraded through boondocks several times. “They came bottomward Wilson Avenue on horses, and I bethink a little dog trotting in the alley abaft the horses,” says Donnelley. “It is advancing to bethink alike now. It hurts me to anticipate aback on it.”
As a child, I bethink seeing a spray-painted assurance on a arch on Route 273 east of boondocks announcement a KKK assemblage featuring Robert Shelton, who was the administrative astrologer at the time. Once, aback we were active home from my grandparent’s abode in Rising Sun, we saw a assemblage with crosses afire in a field. Dad told us to get bottomward in the aback of the abject wagon. Very few blacks lived in boondocks and abounding academy there.
One of the town’s best contempo scandals was financial. The National Coffer of Rising Sun, accountant in 1880, bootless in 2014. The Federal Reserve said the CEO, Jacob Goldstein, break acclimated his position to accept accommodation decisions from which he ultimately benefited.
“The closing of the coffer was absolutely acquired by the recession in 2008, which accumulated the apartment collapse and the closure/bankruptcy of both the adjacent GM and Chrysler plants,” explains Jim Crothers. “The coffer was in a advance mode, but it got formed aback the basal fell out.”
Bank assets were acquired by Howard Bank. Anyone with coffer stock, including my mother, now accept abandoned pieces of papers.
The farms about Rising Sun are currently ability a transformation. Amish families, who accept outgrown their acceptable agronomics breadth of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, are affective rapidly into Cecil County, affairs earlier farms. I was ashore abaft an Amish buggy aback I collection into boondocks on my aftermost visit. The newest academy in the breadth is Amish.
The Rising Sun Herald in February 2018 appear that 20 of Cecil County’s 29 dairy farms are now Amish-owned.
Wes, Matt, and Ben Miller
Bob has fabricated the acreage a success, but it wasn’t easy. “When I was in aerial school, we apparently had the everyman assemblage boilerplate in the county,” he says. “At the canton fair, they were accepting a cow bribery contest, and addition agriculturalist said, ‘The Millers care to accompany one of their beasts because they don’t accord any milk.’ I fabricated my apperception up that I may not be the best, but I will NOT be the worst. That aggressive me to do a bigger job.”
When he came aback to the acreage afterwards admission from the University of Delaware, he had to argue his ancestor and uncle to accomplish changes. “The aback of the barn was consistently closed up bound and we would lose beasts in the wintertime, so I opened it a little bit. Uncle Grove came bottomward and said, ‘You bigger put those windows aback in and allowance things up or you’re activity to annihilate these calves.’ I said, ‘Let’s see how it goes.’ He cautiously agreed. We chock-full accident calves.”
At the time, the ancestors farmed about 175 acreage and milked 50 cows. The assets had to armamentarium several families. “It wasn’t working,” says Bob, simply. Over the years, he and Diane bought the acreage from the blow of the ancestors and broadcast it. Today, they are bribery about 300 beasts at two locations, and accept a advancing custom hay operation targeting bounded horse owners. Their three boys abutting the acreage afterwards admission from Penn Accompaniment University.
One third of the assemblage is Holsteins, with the blow crossbreds or blood Guernsey. That golden-colored brand is “the solution” for the farm, says Diane. She chose the name Chesapeake Gold for the acreage way aback in 2000, cerebration it would attending acceptable on a cheese label. “We feel we are appealing acceptable at marketing,” she says. “We are acknowledged with our hay operation because we accord our barter acceptable service.”
Bob agrees. “I don’t anticipate the East Coast is activity to be able to survive affairs article milk. We don’t accept the acreage abject to body those big dairies. It gets acutely big-ticket to booty manure. Everybody is attractive for that niche.”
In 2018, the Millers were at a capital on the farm. They bald to body the acreage business to a admeasurement that could board three boys. They absitively to attempt into the retail cheese business. Chesapeake Gold Cheese hit the artisanal cheese bazaar in abatement 2018. Milk from the farm’s assemblage is beatific to an Amish business in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, to be fabricated into 12 varieties of cheese, including Crabby Cheddar (with Old Bay seasoning), Horseradish Cheddar, and Garlic & Dill. The ancestors sells the cheese on the acreage and in several bounded stores. (For added information, see the farm’s Facebook page.)
Setting up a alcove acreage business was a bigger advantage than accretion the farm, says Diane. In fact, there is little adventitious of affairs added acreage in Cecil County, she explains, because of antagonism from the Amish. “The Amish are affective in and affairs farms. We can’t allow to pay $10,000 an acre for a farm. There are added Amish dairy farms in Cecil Canton than English dairy farms. That said, it’s abundant to see the farms break as farms, and the Amish are acceptable neighbors.”
They could never get the farm’s amount of operation low abundant to attempt on the apple dairy market, explains Bob. “We had to hit that alcove market.”
Their college amount of assembly is partly due to the Chesapeake Bay they all love, says Diane. “Farmers accept a adage about here: ‘If you can anticipate about it, Maryland can adapt it.’ The farmers accept done a amazing job in this canton voluntarily, willingly, and effectively, but ag is still actuality abhorrent for the woes of the Chesapeake Bay.”
Maryland has consistently been on the beginning of conservation, says Bob. Nobody wants to adulterate the Bay. “Every year, we do a bigger job and attending for means to improve, to get college yields with beneath fertility. The farmers in this breadth accept been acutely proactive.”
He and Diane visited dairy farms in New York a few years ago and were afraid at the admixture active into streams. “We told them, ‘It’s advancing for you,’” says Bob. “We can’t advance admixture in the wintertime. Aback farmers in added states can advance it, it gives them a aggressive edge. We accept to accept added activity and bigger equipment, because we accept to advance our admixture in a narrower window.”
The Millers inject all their manure, partly because there are so abounding houses abutting by. “We don’t appetite to lose the nitrogen, and it is about actuality acceptable neighbors. They alter us and we appetite them to anticipate we are appropriate bodies and abutment us.”
Bob has buried awning crops for years. “I aloof never like to see bald ground.”
The guidelines set out by the University of Maryland accomplish it adamantine to put abundant nitrogen on the crops, says Bob. “We are short-changing both the baby atom crop and the blah crop that follows it because we are aloof not able to put abundant nitrogen on. We charge to put a little fertilizer on to get that awning crop started. If we can get a bigger basis arrangement and thicker mat, it would be bigger for the environment.”
Diane sums it up. “They are so assertive it’s activity to end up in the baptize that they won’t let us put it in the crop.”
As for the racism acceptability in the Rising Sun area, the Millers apperceive it’s adamantine to agitate off the adverse stigma.
“You still see benightedness and intolerance,” says Diane. She accomplished aerial academy in Cecil Canton for 10 years and is now the FFA abecedary at Oxford (Pennsylvania) Aerial School. “In Rising Sun, the adolescence charge article absolute to do. You see kids congregating in the parking lots because they appetite to be amusing with anniversary other, but that can about-face into article uncomfortable.”
Illegal drugs are consistently a problem, she says. “There were absolutely a few acceptance in Rising Sun that had austere biologic issues, but I anticipate that has gotten bigger lately.”
She uses agronomics to ability out to kids. “They may accept an absorption in attention and adjudge ag is absolutely cool. I’ve angry kids assimilate soil. They are now absorbed in accomplishing article in an ag-related field. There are still a lot of adolescent bodies out there who are accomplished to be complex in agriculture, we aloof accept to accomplish an effort. We accept to accumulate ag in schools. Agronomics is the aboriginal STEM. We alarm it STEAM: science technology engineering agronomics math.”
The drape about Rising Sun continues, says Diane. “It’s like breaking the yolk of an egg – it spreads. The baby boondocks amount is gone. The augment comminute and accouterments abundance are gone. The amount went and everybody trickled out. How do you get that hometown back?”
Rising Sun, Maryland
There is abundant agronomics to protect. According to the Cecil Canton Chamber of Commerce, about 35% of the 222,824 acreage in the canton are in farmland. Besides banknote atom crops, there are orchards, nurseries, dairies, and vegetable farms. Warwick Augment Acreage in southern Cecil Canton has about bisected a actor aboveboard anxiety beneath roof, application the best avant-garde mushroom-growing technology in the industry. Horses are big business in Maryland. Cecil Canton is home to the world-famous Fair Hill Training Centermost for thoroughbreds, the bigger standardbred operation in Arctic America – Winbak Acreage – and the all-embracing address of Select Breeders.
In September 2018, the Cecil Acreage Trust acquired a 535-acre alleviation on Long Green Acreage to assure advantageous farmland as allotment of the Fair Hill Rural Legacy Area. Long Green Acreage is endemic by Caleb Crothers, addition of my abroad cousins. “The attention alleviation accretion will accredit a next-generation agriculturalist to booty over a alive acreage that’s been in the aforementioned ancestors for over 250 years,” says Cecil Acreage Trust admiral Bill Kilby.
The trends adumbrate a shrinking citizenry abject and a alteration demographic. Acknowledged Agronomics annual is accoutrement this affair in book and on our website. Read acute belief from our editors revisiting their hometowns in:
In 1608, Captain John Smith was the aboriginal white man to set bottom on what is today Cecil County. He came up the Chesapeake Bay from the Virginia Colony with 12 men in a baby baiter and explored the Sassafras, Elk, Arctic East, and Susquehanna rivers. His account letters the abundant cardinal of elk adrift the dupe and abounding Indians watching them from the shores.
The canton was clearly founded in 1674 and called for Cecilius Calvert, the 2nd Lord Baltimore. It is belted by Pennsylvania to the north, Delaware to the east, and the Susquehanna river to the west. A aeon afterwards the canton was created, the American Revolution swept the land, and its citizens begin themselves in the blubbery of it, actuality alternatively active by British and American soldiers.
The boondocks of Rising Sun was originally allotment of the Nottingham Lots of Pennsylvania, and included in a acreage altercation amid William Penn, the architect of Pennsylvania, and Charles Calvert, the 5th Baron of Baltimore. The bound battle connected until the Mason-Dixon Band was accustomed in 1767. At that point, Rising Sun clearly became allotment of Cecil County, Maryland. The boondocks was not formally congenital until 1860.
[Note: I aloof got chat that The Rising Sun Herald has abeyant publication. December 18, 2018, was the last issue.]
Rising Sun Boondocks Hall
A composition by Folgar McKinsey, built-in in 1866, and a biographer for the Cecil Whig and afterwards Baltimore Morning Star:

Little boondocks of Rising Sun,
Here you are – Acceptable day!
Here the curve of Mason run,
There’s Dixon’s band away.
Brick Meeting Abode a amplitude along,
West Nottingham so near,
Very Top of Cecil, this,
And, too, the top of cheer!
Sweet advantage of circadian life,
Kind neighbors, anxious friends;
A apple through whose thoroughfares
The attentive spirit wends.
Old houses, affable wayside spots,
Clean inns, and all the while,
Very top of Cecil, breadth
The abundant meadows smile!
Pastures of constant grass,
Young aureate so afresh green;
Far aback from active highways set
Old houses so serene.
Little boondocks of Rising Sun,
Here you are – acceptable day!
Very top of Cecil, candied

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