Here's what you charge to apperceive in backroom this week...

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Twelve Democratic presidential candidates booty the date Tuesday in Westerville, Ohio for the fourth presidential debate, which will be co-hosted by The New York Times and CNN. The ten who able for the third debate, additional billionaire Tom Steyer and Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, accept additionally accomplished the beginning for the debate, which appropriate extensive at atomic 2% in four condoning acclamation and adopting funds from 130,000 different donors.

Since the aftermost debate, there accept been two massive political developments: first, the allegation analysis adjoin Admiral Trump, based on a whistleblower's complaint involving Mr. Trump's alarm with the Ukrainian president, in which he alleged for an analysis of political battling Joe Biden.

And second, in Syria, as CBS Account Political Unit accessory ambassador Eleanor Watson notes, Turkey is in anniversary two of an aggression into Syria afterward Admiral Trump's brusque accommodation to abjure U.S. armament from arctic Syria. The Democratic candidates accept all arise out adjoin the move. They criticized him for abandoning the Kurds who accept been acute accessory to the U.S. in the action adjoin ISIS and are now adverse an aggression from Turkish armament who accede them terrorists.

In the debate, the candidates could axis to chastising the admiral for abandoning U.S. allies aback that has been a affair on the advance trail, but they are acceptable to face questions themselves, like these:

Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in accurate are account watching on this front, aback they accept both bound essays and pushed for the end of "forever wars."


Warren will footfall on the agitation date Tuesday night for the aboriginal time a front-runner, which could accomplish her the ambition of attacks by the added contenders, CBS Account advance anchorman Zak Hudak notes. In a CBS Account poll arise this morning, Warren leads above Carnality Admiral Joe Biden beyond early-state contests through Super Tuesday, as able-bodied as in New Hampshire. 

Warren's antecedent agitation appearances accept been about strong, although she hasn't faced any absolute attacks from added candidates to this point. But as Warren has risen in contempo weeks, rivals accept credible a new alertness to advance the Massachusetts senator. Alike her credible alliance with longtime accessory Agent Bernie Sanders may be off.

"Elizabeth I think, as you know, has said that she is a backer through her bones. I'm not," Sanders told Jonathan Karl in an ABC Account interview. "I am, I believe, the abandoned applicant who's activity to say to the cardinal chic of this country: the accumulated elite, enough, abundant with your acquisitiveness and with your corruption."

That aforementioned CBS Account poll showed bloom affliction to be the top affair for voters in early-contest states aback chief who they'll vote for. Battling campaigns say they apprehend Warren's positions—and abridgement of accuracy on whether taxes will go up on common voters to pay for "Medicare for All" — to arise beneath advance on the date Tuesday. None would acknowledge their planned credibility of attack, but some candidates accept amorphous to announce how they are aggravating to analyze themselves from Warren.

For example, South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg has been active ads blue-blooded "Affordability," "Choice," and "Medicare for All Who Want It" in New Hampshire.

"Where I allotment means with Agent Warren and Agent Sanders is, I anticipate the way to do it is – I alarm it Medicare for All Who Want It," Buttigieg said aftermost ages in Austin.

On "Real Time with Bill Maher" Friday, Minnesota Agent Amy Klobuchar was added direct.

"If addition is attractive to bang 140 actor Americans off their accustomed bloom allowance in four years, afresh I'm not your candidate," she said in acknowledgment to a catechism about whether Warren is too far larboard to win a accustomed election.

Those are attacks that could be collapsed as calmly at Sanders as at Warren. But clashing Sanders, the greatest accident for Warren may be that she has to anon abode Medicare for All. While Sanders has conceded he would accession average chic taxes to pay for the program, Warren has so far abhorred anon acknowledging that implementing Medicare for All would aftereffect in a tax backpack on the average class. Aback asked, she usually says that costs all-embracing would go bottomward for American families.

Longtime Warren accessory Harry Reid questioned Warren's adherence to Medicare for All in an account with David Axelrod on CNN Saturday.

"You accord her some time. I anticipate that she's not in adulation with that. You'll delay and see how that all turns out," Reid said.

Warren has been constant in her accustomed abutment of Sanders' Medicare for All bill, which doesn't accommodate a abounding plan to armamentarium the program. No applicant has arise a abounding allotment plan for Medicare for All, but the catechism about common taxes is about assertive to arise up in the debate.

She will accept to airing a tightrope on the affair in the debate. She came beneath blaze from the far larboard afterwards she alleged Medicare for All a "framework" in New Hampshire aftermost month. And the antagonism to her appropriate has already laid the background for an advance accusing her of absent to booty abroad claimed best in bloom care.

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Watch: What will Warren say about on Medicare for All? Will she abandon from Sanders on this, and will she abode its costs for common families?  


Since the aftermost debate, Biden, to his dismay, landed a starring role in the political ball of the House allegation analysis into Admiral Trump, CBS Account advance anchorman Bo Erickson notes. While he'll acceptable abide to aim to angle his added abstinent affairs as added astute than those of his Democratic rivals, it is about assertive he'll be asked about the axial anecdotal of what Trump capital the Ukraine government to investigate — Hunter Biden's position with Burisma, a Ukrainian activity company, which he accustomed while his ancestor was active U.S. action in Ukraine and aggravating to basis out corruption. 

For the accomplished 22 days, Biden has responded to Mr. Trump's ambiguous claims of Biden ancestors bribery by declaring they accept no arete because there is "zero" affirmation of wrongdoing. But backward on Sunday in Altoona, Iowa, Biden told reporters that if he wins the presidency, his ancestors assembly will not assignment in adopted companies. This change comes afterwards his son, Hunter, arise a account through his apostle beforehand Sunday morning advertence that if his ancestor wins the White House he would stop alive for adopted companies. 

Biden told reporters that this was Hunter Biden's accommodation alone. Asked by CBS Account why Hunter could not abide in the role if there was no battle of interest, Biden stood by his son. "He could," he said in part.

This answers a catechism abounding of his Democratic rivals accept been asked apropos whether or not they would acquiesce their carnality president's ancestors assembly to serve aural adopted companies. Best of his rivals dedicated the Bidens (Sen. Kamala Harris declared: "Leave Joe Biden alone!"), while others drew a adverse with him on this point. 

Watch: Will the Bidens' statements today bulwark off abeyant criticism from added candidates on stage?   

Or will Biden axis to the retorts he has relied aloft throughout this episode? He has focused afresh on what he angle as the offenses which assume like amiss offenses by Admiral Trump. Aftermost anniversary Biden became the 19th of 19 Democratic candidates to endorse the House allegation inquiry, aspersing the admiral for "shooting holes in the Constitution" and blocking aldermanic oversight. He additionally accent the president's  accomplishments as added affirmation for what he labels the "most corrupt" administering in history. He has alike amorphous application the adventure as fodder to apish the president's claimed lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, as "a man of abundant integrity" and his two now-arrested assembly as Mr. Trump's top all-around ambassadors.

He is additionally application the president's advance adjoin him as affirmation that he has the best adventitious in the acreage to exhausted Mr. Trump in 2020, or at atomic as affidavit that the admiral considers Biden to be his toughest competition. The newest ambulatory cry from Biden is that he can exhausted Trump "like a drum," but on date Tuesday night, will his rivals like Sen. Elizabeth Warren who is now abutting and abutting with him in the best contempo acclamation acquiesce him to abide to affirmation the high-ground of electability?


Since Sanders suffered a affection advance about two weeks ago, he has been absent from the advance trail, authoritative this agitation his admirable return. Perhaps some voters who were answer Sanders over may see the bloom setback as a acumen to abutment addition candidate. 

Sanders has adjourned in contempo acclamation —he's at 17% in Sunday's CBS Account poll, abaft Biden and Warren — but he has consistently relished the underdog role, reports CBS Account advance anchorman Cara Korte.

It additionally charcoal to be apparent whether he'll abide not to advance Warren, now the beloved whom he has so far beneath to criticize on stage. 

Watch: Can Sanders, the oldest applicant running, argue Democratic voters that his affection advance won't apathetic him down? Will he go on the advance adjoin accessory Warren, who has been affairs advanced of the pack? 


The aftermost agitation for Klobuchar became the ambience en scène of her newest advance ad. 

"If you feel ashore in the average of the extremes of our backroom and you are annoyed of the noise, you've got a home with me," Klobuchar says, highlighting her agitation angle in the ad. CBS Account advance anchorman Bo Erickson credibility out that the Minnesota agent benefitted from the bound cardinal of candidates on date aftermost month, aback there were beneath moderates on date blame aback on the accelerating behavior advocated by some of the top-polling candidates. 

Watch: At atomic one Iowa poll indicates Klobuchar's agitation achievement may accept contributed to her baby absolute bump. But now with added candidates on stage, will Klobuchar acquisition it too adamantine to accomplish herself heard from the wings of the stage? 


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Booker said in a army aftermost anniversary that his alertness for Tuesday's agitation is "similar" to his access for the aftermost debate, letters CBS Account advance anchorman Jack Turman. The New Jersey agent told reporters, "So, accumulated I'm activity to do up there is to try to actualization bodies my heart, what my spirit's about, the account I have."

He has fabricated it assimilate the date for the antecedent three debates and has angry in solid performances, but hasn't had a blemish moment so far. Afterwards extensive a fundraising ambition at the end of the third quarter, Booker went on an RV bout in Iowa, area he drew agog crowds.

Watch: With added candidates on the agitation date than the antecedent debates, will Booker be able to breach out of the backpack and body some momentum? 


Harris active into Tuesday's agitation amidst a downtick in contempo polls, CBS Account advance anchorman Tim Perry notes. The California agent has struggled to accretion the drive that she already had afterwards her able achievement in the aboriginal Democratic debate. 

Harris spent the weekend hosting a block affair in Iowa and has been capitalizing on the allegation account surrounding Admiral Trump. However, she has so far not been acknowledged in presenting her action proposals in a bright and abridged package, as her adolescent Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have. 

Watch: How will Harris advance to angle out on a awash date while befitting her added abstinent positions?


During the aftermost debate, which was in his home accompaniment of Texas, above Congressman Beto O'Rourke had arguably his arch agitation achievement yet. In a acknowledgment on whether or not he would abutment a binding gun acknowledgment affairs for advance weapons, O'Rourke replied, "Hell yes," and has aback been advancement stricter gun ascendancy measures on the advance trail. 

It's a attitude that has put him at allowance with addition Democratic candidate, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, addendum Perry. The two candidates accept been trading jabs with anniversary added in the weeks aback the aftermost debate. It's cogent because aback entering the race, O'Rourke had banned to action with adolescent Democrats and instead focused his band of advance on Admiral Trump. In the latest CBS Account Battleground Tracker poll, O'Rourke has apparent a slight advance in the poll, advancing in at 4% nationally. 

Watch: Will O'Rourke abide to advance Buttigieg on the civic date or comedy it safe and not appoint in the intra-party fighting?


The above apartment and burghal development secretary had one of the better moments of the aftermost agitation with his barter with above Carnality Admiral Joe Biden on healthcare that seemed to abounding to be a bang at his age — "are you apathy what you said two account ago," he prodded Biden — but the moment did not construe into a bang in his poll numbers, Perry credibility out. Castro continues to absolution abundant action proposals, but hasn't been accepting the aforementioned absorption that Agent Elizabeth Warren has been accepting for her proposals.  With time active out for Castro to accomplish the November debate, Tuesday's agitation could be a make-or-break moment for his campaign.  Castro has spent the aftermost few canicule in San Antonio advancing for the debate. 

Watch: Will Castro ambition Biden afresh in a bid to angle out on the stage?


After the third Democratic agitation in September, Buttigieg arise his "Medicare for All Who Want It" plan, which includes a accessible advantage and does not annihilate clandestine allowance plans. His access contrasts with Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, who apostle for Medicare for All, a single-payer bloom affliction plan. Buttigieg has been authoritative this acumen frequently in his butt speeches on the aisle and in agenda advertisement campaigns, addendum Turman.

Asked in a army in Nevada beforehand this ages about the bloom affliction agitation in the Democratic party, Buttigieg said, "I aloof accept an honest admiring altercation with association like Agent Warren who accept that we should bandy a about-face and bang everybody off their clandestine plans."

Watch: Will Buttigieg abide to angle himself as the electable alternative, cartoon distinctions with the accelerating Medicare for All affairs consort by Warren and Sanders?


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At the third debate, Andrew Yang managed to accession over a actor dollars in aloof a few canicule afterwards advertisement a abandon allotment pilot program, reports CBS Account accessory ambassador Ben Mitchell. Over the weekend, Yang teased addition big agitation announcement, which is acceptable to be an advance to advice accomplish added becoming media advantage while allegation continues to bite up the account on every account program. Yang had a big third division for fundraising, but his poll numbers in the aboriginal states accept stagnated. 

Watch: The agitation is a abundant befalling to abstract those numbers a bit (like Kamala Harris did over the Summer).


Steyer will accomplish his admission on the agitation date Tuesday. The billionaire, who has approved to accomplish a name for himself over the accomplished few years with efforts to accuse Admiral Donald Trump and abutment for accelerating candidates, is abundantly abstinent in a agitation environment. But with able announcement efforts in aboriginal challenge states, he's already able for the November stage. Asked Thursday how he's advancing for his aboriginal debate, he joked that he was demography questions from reporters, letters Hudak.

WATCH: How will Tom Steyer present himself to the American bodies in his first-ever presidential agitation appearance?


Gabbard arise on Twitter a brace canicule ago that she is "seriously considering" boycotting the Democratic agitation this advancing Tuesday. Gabbard, who able for the October agitation but did not authorize for the Democratic agitation in September, accused the Democratic Civic Committee and the accumulated media of "rigging" the primary election, says Turman. If she declines to debate, she would be the abandoned actuality to authorize for the agitation who does not arise onstage Tuesday.

The Hawaii congresswoman has additionally criticized the DNC's accuracy in commendations to the acclamation acclimated to authorize for the debates arch up to the third Democratic debate. Aback voters aftermost saw Gabbard on the agitation date in July, she fabricated a burst by advancing Harris' almanac as a prosecutor in California.

Watch: Will she participate in the debate? And if she does participate, will she criticize addition one of her opponents?

Early-state Democratic voters say Admiral Trump's allegations adjoin Joe Biden accept not afflicted their angle of Biden and abundantly anticipate they aren't true. Alike so, it's Elizabeth Warren who continues to draw abutment from Democrats. She has continued the accumulated advance she had in this poll aftermost month across the 18 aboriginal primary and conclave states. 

As for alone states, she has added her advance over the backpack in New Hampshire and pulled alike with Biden in Iowa. And Warren leads in our agent model over Biden, too, demonstrating that she's aggressive in abounding regions.

Read added about the latest CBS Account poll here.

While a majority of Americans (63%) say the Trump administering should abet with the allegation inquiry, best Republicans disagree and feel the administering should not, as the accessory bisect has accustomed on allegation affairs in the aftermost two weeks. Some 37% of Americans say the administering should not cooperate, according to a new CBS Account poll.

The abutting governor for Louisiana will accept to be absitively in November, with bounden Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards falling shy of the 50% bare to win Saturday's "jungle" primary outright, according to The Associated Press. Afterwards actuality abutting for the aftermost advance of the race, agent Eddie Rispone exhausted out U.S. Representative Ralph Abraham for the Republican atom in the runoff and anchored the second-most bulk of votes with about 28%of the vote, CBS Account Political Unit broacast accessory Aaron Navarro notes.

Rispone was able to escape a abutting and barbarous primary with Abraham, area the two consistently clashed with anniversary added on the agitation date and through television ads. Prior to Saturday, he was either angry or arch Abraham by distinct digits in the polls.

Read added about the election here.

10/14 – Bennet in IA, Sestak in NH10/15 – Biden in OH, Booker in OH, Buttigieg in OH, Castro in OH, Gabbard in OH, Harris in OH, Klobuchar in OH, Beto in OH, Sanders in OH, Sestak in OH, Steyer in OH, Warren in OH, Yang in OH

10/16 – Biden in OH, Buttigieg in IA, Harris in IA, Sestak in NH

10/17 – Beto in OH, Biden in DC, Harris in IA, Warren in DC, Sestak in NH, Trump in TX10/18 – Harris in IA, Klobuchar in IA, Sestak in NH, Warren in VA10/19 – Biden in NY & CT, Harris in SC, Klobuchar in IA, Sanders in NY, Sestak in NH10/20 – Biden in NY & CT, Harris in SC, Klobuchar in IA, Sestak in NH, Warren in IA

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